Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I saw a raccoon today in NYC this morning going to work,, What is the stigma surrounding raccoons?

For some reason i was terrified and ran across the street and kept looking back to make sure it wasn't following me. Why are raccoons dangerous?I saw a raccoon today in NYC this morning going to work,, What is the stigma surrounding raccoons?
They have lots of sharp teeth and may have rabies. They scavenge through trash and stuff so they get exposed to lots of germs (and maybe other animals with rabies!) so steer clear of them.

They may be cute, but if they bite you you'll have to get rabies shots if they can't catch the raccoon that bit you and THEY HURT!!!!

Treat them like you'd treat any untamed animal and give them some space. If you feed them they may attack you to get more food, so don't do it.I saw a raccoon today in NYC this morning going to work,, What is the stigma surrounding raccoons?
LOL! they're not scary! they do nothing. The only danger is that if one has rabies and you like try to catch it, it might bite or scratch you transferring the rabies over to you.

Raccoons do not attack. You will never find a racoon stalking and ';hunting'; you down. They'll only scratch or bite you if they're wild and scared or because you hurt them

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