Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is the best way to poison a raccoon?

If you have the answer, please post.

No liberal preaching please.What is the best way to poison a raccoon?
To use poison is risky, here's why; You can't control where the animal will go to die. It could find it's way into a place and the stink from rotting flesh could be Super bothersome.

Instead, I suggest a live trap. New, they are only about $40. I bet if you put an ad on craig's list, you could find one to borrow.

Then, once you have it trapped, you can drive it WAY far away , or to an enemy's house and drop it off.What is the best way to poison a raccoon?
NOT Liberal Preaching...

Poisoning a raccoon can be very dangerous to ';ANY Living'; critter that will eat it after it is dead.

When an animal is dieing it goes to a dark and quite place. If YOU or your neighbors own a DOG or CAT or other pets this could KILL them Too.

Make sure you have NO food source available to the raccoon such as garbage can with loose fitting lids, dog food outside bird feeder.

The only reason YOU have it is because of a ';Food Source'; of some kind or he/she would not be at your home. Remove everything and it will ';Go Away On its Own';

I have a farm and live in the mountains in the woods and deal with raccoons so I do not have anything what so ever to attrack them. All my chicken and peacock houses are raccoon proof. They don't come here anymore because they are smart and know they can't get in,

I know that there are circumstances such as a raccoon carrying ';Rabbies'; where you ';Need'; to get rid of it.

So Call your local animal control they will come out and rid you of the raccoon.

Have-A-Heart Traps work great! You can purchase them at most garden departments at any large or small stores. Feed stores are also a good source.

Then you need to travel at least 10 miles away to let it loose. If it has a family which it mostly likely does it will come back to your place. So further the better.

Best wishes..

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