Friday, February 12, 2010

Does anyone know exactly why the raccoon is retiring?

I would like to know why the raccoon is retiring so fast. It didn't retire yet, but I heard because the material was getting expensive. Is that right? And I would like to know if you have a raccoon webkinz and what is its name! I have one. I named it Bandit.Does anyone know exactly why the raccoon is retiring?
That's an interesting reason to retire the raccoon! I don't know the real answer, but that's possible I suppose. I got a raccoon a few months ago and I named him Jasper!Does anyone know exactly why the raccoon is retiring?
micheal add me im hannahbananas78
I happen to have 2 raccoons and their names are Jasper and Casper. My friens gave me them for Christmas. I have no idea why they are retiring them so fast. I mean they like just came out!!!! I don't know when it is retiring either!!

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