Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How can I get rid of this raccoon.?

My upstairs have been smeeling like strong pee almost evry morning or night. I didn't know what it could be. But I seen it go into my chimney. How can I get it out or set a trap. The local animal control said they dont do thid type of work.How can I get rid of this raccoon.?
Wait until evening when she goes out to prowl for food. then close off the opening.

You will have to check the house, attic etc... for babies and other raccoons. Female raccoons will share a space. They keep their kits with them until they are a year old.

If you find any babies, put them in a cardboard box with some towels. Put the cardboard box in the backyard, and mama will come get them later. Wear long sleeved shirt and pants. Be careful, frightened kits can scratch and bite. You can grab them with a thick towel or comforter. If you have to you can scruff them by the back of the neck like you would a puppy or kitten. They are much less likely to bite.

Attach a metal screen to close off your chimney. you will have to screw it to the chimney though because coons have hands like we do, anything not bolted down is big fun for your fuzzy friend. She will just remove it if it is not screwed in. My coon babies have opened doors, taken apart drains and just about anything you can imagine.

It does not help to remove her from the premises. Coons are territorial and another one will just take her place. If you get all of her babies out and give them back to her, then close off the opening she will probably just move on.

Also, Make sure that no food or water is left out and keep your trash locked up.How can I get rid of this raccoon.?
Have a metal screen install over the hole where he comes and goes. Then throw some moth balls out in the yard near the point of entry
You need to hire someone to do it but make sure it's someone who uses catch and release traps.
Two things we did: put a chimney cap on your chimney, get a electronic ';zapper'; that makes those awful high pitched sounds and stick it in the attic where the critter is nesting so it won't come back!

We had a raccoon nesting in our upstairs attic and two garbage bags of poop had to be scooped out of the attic after the poo and pee had leaked through our bedroom ceiling - this was all weeks and weeks after I kept telling my husband I smelled pee in our room and he kept saying I was crazy.

After we blocked off the chimney, the darn thing tore a hole in our roof trying to get back in. I figure there are probably dead babies rotting up there but I don't have the stomach to dig through the insulation to look.

Wherever it is in your house, make that area very unpleasant with lights, noise, etc. Bad smells don't bother them. Around here they live in the sewers!
a dog maybe

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